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501.07 : Student Absences


The district is committed to ensuring that every reasonable attempt be made to secure the attendance in school of all children residing in the district, and particularly those of compulsory attendance age.  To that end, the superintendent, in conjunction with building principals, is directed to cooperate with the county attorney, officials of private schools in the district, and other relevant agencies, to enforce the state law of compulsory school attendance.


Children between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16), as of September 15, residing in the district are required to be enrolled in and attending an Iowa accredited public or private school, or receiving competent private instruction.


Children age four (4) and above who attend the statewide preschool program and age five (5) and above who attend the district’s kindergarten program shall attend school as required by the superintendent, in conjunction with building principals, taking into account absences excused under the terms of the district’s attendance policy.


Children of compulsory attendance age who are enrolled in the district, shall attend school as required by the superintendent, in conjunction with building principals, taking into account absences excused under the terms of the district’s attendance policy.


Truancy is the failure to attend school without reasonable excuse for the absence.  Legitimate reasons for absence will be developed by the superintendent, in conjunction with building principals, and will be provided to students and parents in the student handbook or other public publication each year.  It shall be within the discretion of the principal or Superintendent (or either’s designee) to determine in light of the circumstances whether a student may make up missed work due to truancy.  The truancy officer/building principal may refer to the county attorney’s office a student and his or her parent for violation of the compulsory attendance laws for excessive excused absences.  The district will participate in mediation if requested by the county attorney.  The district’s designee shall represent the district in mediation.


If a child is truant from school, District officials shall make every reasonable attempt to secure the child’s attendance and document in writing all such efforts.  However, if a child of compulsory attendance age who is enrolled in the district is truant, as determined by the superintendent, in conjunction with building principals, and outlined in the student handbook, the truancy officer/building principal may notify the county attorney in writing of the apparent violation of the compulsory attendance law by the child and the child’s parent or guardian.  In addition, the building principal may impose discipline on the truant child in accordance with the district’s attendance policy. 


The superintendent or designee shall cooperate with officials of accredited nonpublic schools in the district in enforcing the compulsory attendance law as to students enrolled in those schools.  The superintendent or designee shall also notify the county attorney if a child between the age of six and sixteen who is said to be receiving competent private instruction fails to make adequate progress as defined by law.


The superintendent or designee shall notify the nearest office of the Department of Education at any time a student over the compulsory attendance age drops out of school without enrolling elsewhere.


Reviewed:FY 2015-2016, March 14, 2016,  May 24, 2021

Revised: 02/24/17