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603.4R1 Human Growth and Development Student Excuse Form

Student Name:_______________                  Grade:__________



Parent/Guardian:_______________                        Phone #:__________


Please list the curricular objective(s) from which you wish to have your child excused and the class or grade in which each is taught.  An example is provided for you to follow.


                Objective                                           Class/Grade


Example    To understand the consequences           Health Education

                of responsible and irresponsible

                sexual behavior.












I have reviewed the Human Growth and Development program goals, objectives, and materials and wish my child to be excused from class when these objectives are taught. I understand my child will incur no penalty but may be required to complete an alternative assignment that relates to the class and is consistent with assignments required of all students in the class.


Signed:_________________________            Date:_______________

        Parent or Guardian


Signed:_________________________            Date:_______________

        School Administrator


Approved: 10/16/14

Reviewed: FY 2016-2017, August 15, 2016, June 28, 2021

Revised: 02/24/17