Students may be assessed fines, charges or fees for the materials needed in a course, for overdue school materials, for participating in activities or for misuse of school property. The superintendent will inform the board of the dollar amount to be charged to students or others for fines, charges or fees annually.
Students at elementary or secondary level shall be required to pay a book rental fee which shall be established annually by the board. No fixed activities fee may be required of all students, nor may class dues be exacted.
Students may be asked to pay a charge for materials or services related to optional activities and projects that are part of the regular school program. Such charges shall be kept to a minimum and shall be approved annually by the building principal.
Certain items required by students, such as locks for lockers, will be purchased by the district and rented to the student. When these items are no longer needed, they may be returned to the school, with refund of the rental fee dependent upon their condition.
Parents of students meeting specific financial eligibility standards will be eligible for a waiver of student fees or a reduction of student fees based upon the request of the parent/guardian. Fines or charges assessed for damage or loss to school property are not fees and will not be waived.
Collection of funds for school activities must have the recommendation of the building principal and the approval of the superintendent. All such funds are under the financial control of the board.
Records and procedures relating to internal accounts shall be in accordance with state regulations and an audit of these accounts shall be made at the same time as the annual audit of school funds.
Approved: 1994-95
Reviewed: FY 2015-2016, March 14, 2016, May 24,2021
Revised: 02/24/17
Dear Parent or Guardian,
If your child(ren) qualify for free or reduced price meals, you may also be eligible for other benefits. One of the benefits is free or reduced textbook and other class fees. (This does not include activity pass fees). Complete this form and return with your application for free/reduced price meals.
YES, I wish to apply for a waiver of payment of textbook and other school fees (not activity pass fees) for my student(s). School personnel may release my student(s) free and reduced-price meal eligibility status to determine eligibility for school fee waivers.
I understand that, if I apply for a waiver of fees, I will be releasing information that will show that I applied for free and reduced-price school meals for my child(ren). I give up my rights to confidentiality for textbook and other school fees. This authorization is in effect for one (1) year. I understand that I may revoke this release in writing at any time.
NO, I do not wish to apply for a waiver of payment of textbook and other school fees for my student(s).
I certify that I am the parent/guardian of the child(ren) for whom application is being made.
Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Date Signed
Approved: 10/16/14
Reviewed: FY 2015-2016, March 14, 2016, May 24,2021
Revised: 02/24/17
The board recognizes that while certain fees charged students are appropriate and authorized, certain students and their families are not financially able to pay the fees. The district will grant either full waivers, partial waivers or temporary waivers depending upon the circumstances and the student or student's parents' ability to meet the financial criteria.
A. Waivers
1. Full Waivers - a student will be granted a full waiver of fees charged by the district if the student or student's parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for free meals under the Child Nutrition program (including receiving free or reduced price lunch), Family Investment Program (FIP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) guidelines or transportation assistance under open enrollment. Students in foster care are also eligible for full waivers.
2. Partial Waivers - a student will be granted a partial waiver of fees charged by the district if the student or the student's parents meet the financial eligibility criteria for reduced price meals offered under the Child Nutrition program. The reduction percentage will be the same as offered under the Child Nutrition Program.
3. Temporary Waivers - a student may be eligible for a temporary waiver of fees charged by the district in the event the student's parents are facing financial difficulty. Temporary waivers may be applied for at any time throughout the school year and will not extend beyond the end of the school year.
B. Application - Parents or students eligible for a fee waiver will make an application on the form provided by the district. Applications may be made at any time but must be renewed annually.
C. Confidentiality - The district will treat the application and application process as any other student record and student confidentiality and access provisions will be followed.
D. Appeals: Denials of a waiver may be appealed in order to the district Business Manager, Superintendent, and Board.
E. Fines or charges assessed for damage or loss to school property are not fees and will not be waived.
F. Notice - the district will annually notify parents and students of the waiver. The following information will be included in registration materials.
Approved: 1994-95
Reviewed: FY 2015-2016, March 14, 2016, May 24,2021
Revised: 02/24/17