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705.02 Purchasing and Bidding for Public Improvement Projects

For goods and services utilized in public improvement projects, as defined under Iowa law, costing more than $50,000 and less than $130,000, the Superintendent shall receive competitive quotations of the goods and services to be purchased prior to approval by the Board.  The purchase will be made from the party submitting the lowest responsive, responsible quotation based upon total cost considerations including, but not limited to, the cost of the goods and services being purchased, availability of service and/or repair, delivery date, and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.


For goods and services utilized in public improvement projects, as defined under Iowa law, costing more than $130,000, the Superintendent shall receive competitive sealed bids of the goods and services to be purchased prior to approval of the Board.  The purchase will be made from the party submitting the lowest responsive, responsible bid based upon total cost considerations including, but not limited to, the cost of the goods and services being purchased, availability of service and/or repair, delivery date, and other factors deemed relevant by the Board.


The Board and the Superintendent shall have the right to reject any or all quotations or bids, or any part thereof, and to seek additional quotations or bids.  The Board will enter into such contract or contracts as the Board deems in the best interests of the District.


The procurement of all supplies, equipment, and services shall be initiated by the issuance of an official purchase order signed by the Superintendent or by an authorized staff member.  Only those supplies, equipment, and services procured by formal contract shall be exempt.


Approved: 1997-1998
Reviewed:FY 2016-2017, December 19, 2016

Revised: 02/24/17