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407.1 Employee Physical Examinations

It is the policy of this District to ensure, so far as possible, that every employee has a safe and healthful place in which to work.  It is also the policy of this District to help each employee recognize his/her responsibilities for safe employment, and require that he/she adhere to those responsibilities.
Employees will be required to submit to a pre-employment physical examination after an offer of employment has been made and before the beginning of service.  The District will provide the standard examination form to be completed by an appropriately licensed health care provider who performs the physical examination.  A written report of the physical examination shall be submitted to the District.  The date by which any such physical examination report shall be submitted to the District shall be determined by the superintendent, but in no case shall be any less than five (5) business days prior to the first working day.
Bus drivers will be examined using all applicable state and federal criteria at the beginning of employment and every two (2) years thereafter.
Fitness-for-duty examinations may be required following an absence from work due to illness, if there is a reasonable belief that the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of the job, or if there is a reasonable belief that the employee poses a direct threat to the employee or others because of a health condition.  A direct threat occurs when an individual poses a significant risk of substantial harm to him/herself or others, and the risk cannot be reduced below the direct threat level through reasonable accommodations.
All information regarding the medical condition or history of an employee must be kept in files separate from the employee’s personnel records and treated as a confidential medical record subject to state and federal confidentiality laws.
The cost of the initial physical examination will be paid by the District, up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50.00).  The cost of bus driver renewal physicals will be paid by the District, up to a maximum of sixty-five dollars ($65.00).
Approved: 1994-1995
Reviewed: 2006-2007; November 21, 2011
Revised: November 19, 2007; August 2013