506.04 Graduation Requirements

The following are the requirements for graduation for students to earn a Columbus Community School District High School diploma:


1.     The accumulation of a minimum of fifty two (52) semester The specific course requirements are outlined elsewhere in the Policy.

a.     English: Eight (8) credits.  Students must pass English 1, English 2 or its transferred equivalent.

b.     Mathematics: Six (6) credits.  Students must pass Core Algebra I.

c.      Physical Education: four (4) credits.  A total of six (6) credits may be accumulated.  Anything over this will be non-credit.

d.     Science: Six (6) credits.

e.     Social Studies:  Six (6) credits.  Students must have one (1) credit in Government and one (1) credit in U.S. History I and U.S. History II.


2.     A student may be eligible for graduation when the number of credits have been obtained but not before the end of the third year of high school.

3.     The high school principal/designee shall submit a list of persons eligible for diplomas or certificates of attendance to the board for approval in the month of May each year.

4.     The Home School Assistance Program Coordinator shall submit a list of persons eligible for certificates of completion to the board for approval in the month of May each year.

5.     Students must have successfully completed the district and state requirements for graduation to be eligible for participation in graduation exercises.  The only exception will be for extenuating circumstances involving unforeseen and unavoidable situations.  Such exceptions may be made at the discretion of the high school principal/designee.

6.     Any student may, after four (4) years of attendance, make-up their failed classes through correspondence work or by returning to school.  When these failed classes have been made-up, the student may receive a regular diploma.

7.     Required courses taken at a post-secondary institution, which are duplicates of courses offered at the Columbus Community School District High School, will not court toward graduation requirements unless a course has been previously failed at Columbus Community School District.


8.     Graduation requirements for special education students will be in accordance with the prescribed course of study as described in the Individualized Education Program (IEP).  Each student’s IEP will include a statement of the projected date of graduation at least eighteen (18) months in advance of the projected date and the criteria to be used in determining whether graduation will occur.  Prior to the special education student’s graduation, the IEP team will determine whether the graduation criteria have been met.

9.     If students transfer from another school district that does not require as many credits as the Columbus Community School District, and if those students would thereby be in danger of not graduating at the regular time, individual consideration will be given by prorating the number of credits needed for graduation according to the amount of time the student spent in the other school district(s).  The administration will make this determination.


Approved 1994-95
Reviewed: FY 2015-2016, March 14, 2016,  May 24,2021

Revised: 02/24/17