601.02 School Year

The student school year for grades one through twelve may consist of one of the following: (1) a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days with each day having a minimum of six (6) hours of instruction or (2) one thousand eighty (1080) hours of instruction.  Lunch periods will not counted as part of instructional time.  Time during which students are released from school for parent/teacher conferences and passing time will be counted as part of instructional time.


If the school district chooses a minimum one hundred eighty (180) day school year, the school district may also record a day of school with less than the minimum of six (6) hours of instruction if the total hours of instructional time for grades one through twelve for any five (5) consecutive school days equals a minimum of thirty (30) hours, even though any one day of school is less than the minimum instructional hours because of a staff development opportunity provided for the professional instructional staff or because parent-teacher conferences have been scheduled beyond the regular school day.  If the total hours of instructional time for the first four (4) consecutive days equal at least thirty (30) hours because parent-teacher conferences have been scheduled beyond the regular school day, the school district may record zero (0) hours of instructional time on the fifth (5th) consecutive school day as a school day.  Schedule revisions and changes in time allotments will be made by the superintendent.


It is the responsibility of the superintendent to inform the board annually of the length of the school day.


Approved: 1995-1996

Reviewed: FY 2016-2017, August 15, 2016, June 28, 2021

Revised: 02/24/17